The Legend of the Holly

Legend has it that a young orphan boy was living among the shepherds who tended their flocks in the hills of Judea. The hill country was lovely and green, the perfect place for little lambs and young boys. But it was a dangerous place, too. Wolves and snakes and other wild beasts were never far away. The shepherds were always watching, always ready to protect the sheep of their fold. And in their presence the young boy felt safe.

But one night their hearts pounded with fear, and so did the boy’s, when suddenly an angel appeared with a message from their Creator, the Almighty himself! “Fear not,” said the angel. “For behold, I bring you glad tidings of great joy! A savior, the Messiah, is born tonight in the old city of David. You will find him there lying in a manger.”

A baby? In a manger? The anointed Messiah? They couldn’t believe it. And yet the great prophets, Isaiah and Jeremiah, had said this day would come. So the shepherds left their sheep in the hills and went to find the Lamb of God.

On the way to Bethlehem, the young orphan boy wove a crown of holly branches for the newborn king. But when he laid it before the infant Jesus, the crown looked so unworthy that the little shepherd became ashamed of his gift and began to cry. But then something strange and wonderful happened. The baby reached out and touched the crown. And with the Christ child’s tender touch, the leaves began to sparkle shiny and green.  And the orphan’s tears were changed into scarlet berries.

It’s a lovely legend, a beautiful story of love incarnate. And the glad tidings of great joy God speaks to his people here and now is the same. For Christ our Lord still reaches out to touch the wounded hearts of his little ones and all who long for his tender, healing, life-giving presence. He still brings healing to our woundedness, light to our darkness, and hope to our despair. The living, loving Messiah of God still reaches out to you and to me. But not to us only. There are others all around us who long for that same holy touch in their hearts and lives. Some feel rejected. Some have suffered loss. Some are hurting or hungry or homeless. Others long for meaning and purpose. Still others simply yearn to love and be loved….

So let us be God’s touch of love-made-flesh for them this Christmas. Reach out to Christ’s little ones all around you. Give your gifts, your love, your time, your heart. And remember that in doing all of these things, you join the sages and shepherds of old who offered their hearts to God’s own beloved Son, the Word made flesh who came to dwell among us.

Through the coming of a Child, God infuses the world with a holy presence. Receive this gift of Christmas, and live by grace to love in Christ’s name.

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